Investment Process

Using a multi-stage process, the universe of around 1000 companies is systematically analyzed and evaluated. A detailed financial model is created for each investment, which must convincingly demonstrate the potential to double in value over a four-year period. This potential to double in value is based on innovative strength, new products for serious diseases and outstanding management. Each investment is systematically reviewed for sustainability risks and breaches of elementary human rights. Bellevue Asset Management AG is a signatory of UN Principles for Responsible Investment. Besides upholding strict exclusion criteria – such as serious controversies that violate universal norms regarding the environment, human rights or good corporate governance – environmental, social and governance factors are integrated into the fundamental analysis of every company through an ESG integration process in which the associated financial risks or opportunities are evaluated with respect to future stock market performance. The Investment Management Team strive to have an active and constructive dialogue with the management or other relevant stakeholders of the portfolio companies regarding environmental, social and governance aspects – and via proxy voting we use our voting rights actively at the general meetings.
All investments of BB Biotech AG are aligned with UN´s Sustainable Development Goal number 3: “Good Health and Well-being. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”. The investments of BB Biotech AG provide companies with capital in order to allow for drug development to ensure and improve healthy lives and well-being. Therapies to address high unmet medical needs such as for patients suffering from rare disorders, cancer, neurological diseases and chronic cardiovascular and metabolic disorders etc. are key investment selection criteria.

Before making a positive investment decision, intensive contact is established with the target company’s management, since we are convinced that a superior performance can only be achieved with well managed companies.
After being incorporated into BB Biotech’s portfolio, intense personal contact is maintained with members of the management of the relevant holdings. This closely knit monitoring of the portfolio companies enables BB Biotech to utilize all strategic options on a timely basis, including the early disposal of an equity interest should the fundamental situation significantly deteriorate.